KATHMANDU, April 26, on Friday benign pratipada candramasaanusara Chaitra Shukla's name is starting a new Baisakhi.
Earthlings began Samvatsar called benign fruit compatible Nepal calendar jury said.
Last year on Chaitra Shukla pratipadadekhi bihibarasamma stemming from Nepal and earth clamp in various parts of the name Samvatsar bad fruit or dharmasastravid Committee Chairman Prof Dr Chandra Gautam Agency said.
" 'Chaitra Shukla pratipada vatsararambha' that is written, 60 Samvatsar change, each year, the opening day of the new year on a bath of oil consumption will nimako leaves is believed to be a year to get sick," - he said.
BS 2072 to the end of clamp's name emerges Samvatsar Nepal Earthquake, India undeclared sanctions, badhipahirojasta negative phenomenon began as benign name Baisakhi is the best of the fruit of the committee said.
Samvatsar classical Vedic texts mention the fruit when the fruit is mentioned clamp negative and positive tranquility.
MAR APR Krishna Shukla pratipadadekhi aumsisamma determination to be judged by the religious name Baisakhi is pronounced benign this year. Baisakhi Baisakhi is also suspected to change the day of Chaitra Shukla pratipada change. According to CE 1 9 38 Friday doubt about it. Which is approved by the Committee srisake calendar that is written.
Chaitra Shukla pratipada day should do once a year BS grahagocariya mantriparisadanusara the new king of the classical law of the president, Dr Gautam.
"Accordingly the king of New Year 2073 BS Venus has, on April 1 should do once a year, Minister of ordinances that 2073 is the year of Mercury Minister, it is written that the calendar King of Venus and Mercury Minister" - he said.
New Year in BS 2073 stemming from a combination of Venus and budhako good fruit is believed compatible Committee. These planets are friends with each planet. The Committee therefore believes that the world is not very bad incident.
Saturn and Mars in 2072 BS, Minister of the King. Both of these are among the enemy planet. So in the event of bad earth. The fruit will be for the world not only in Nepal. Gocarale planet is recognized as the world of classical conducting. RSS

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