The week India-European Union (EU) in Brussels, capital of Belgium issued a joint statement, the political arena was 9 myagnicyudako bhukampajastai severe vibration.
The statement demanding the release 3 of the Constitution is incomplete, and it means incorporating more sophisticated, making sense of all that has been expressed. In fact, he said, not bad in itself, but the who, what, why, and said that the topic is important prayojanale.

The internal affairs of a country to another country on the international stage reaction upon exposure to hunajamda discussion may come to the country and were often thought of. But Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli said nanikomatrai did, that was painful.
Therefore, the beginning and the Joint Statement of Ministers Oli defended himself, the statement, the Council of Ministers of Nepal's independence, freedom and sovereignty of the language used to run the strike.
In fact, from the Constitution of India took bilateral sanvadamai also has joint statement expressed their disappointment. So it would seem that there is nothing objectionable in terms.
In fact, the term is not due to vibration of Kathmandu, iyuko forum and there is uthekale India initiative is the subject of more painful.Holding Oli had gone to India. There he was given a grand reception, hospitality unique. This promotion was as if for the first time in history that a Prime Minister of Nepal has been a huge welcome. External Affairs Minister Sushma Swaraj to take on candidate himself fell Airport.
Of course, as Prime Minister Girija Prasad Koirala Movement 2062/63 after the trip, then take him to Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had reached the airport itself.
This time, however Oli was Swaraj covering more noise. In any case, however, it is no doubt that, in India, there was a grand svagatacahim Oli.
Oli bhramanasamgai mutual estrangement between the two countries generated with the constitution in order to be removed even though the start was not ekaratti progress, but further increased psychological distance.
Similarly, the first week of April, Foreign Minister SAARC Summit held in Pokhara on the occasion of the Indian Foreign Minister Swaraj distance could derail her. The visit to China was immediately Oli. During the visit, agreements were ten different. The agreement was key, transit traffic.
Madhesi movement and reside in the five-month-long supply to India attaches symbolic obstacle, tired of Nepal with China an agreement on the right relief.
But soon after the constitution of Nepal and India-China agreement dissatisfied bodily appear directly opposing the growing strategic review of its internal Disorders if taken as true.
Needless to say, India, Nepal and continue the process of constitution making disliked, not liked.
Prime Minister Narendra Modi as Yongkang Foreign Ministry Secretary S. Jonathan to suspend sending process 'urged' the, hardened leaders. Perhaps, he may well, sour issues, and the constitution so that the heart may continue. Again, the definition of Section 4 of the kingdom kept dharmanirapeksaprati especially hurt the Bharatiya Janata Party has clearly.
In addition, a special emotional attachment to the subject of disloyalty Modi is not hidden from anyone. He wanted narakhiyos secular constitution. Rebellion, Nepal as this provision shall not be pleased with the extreme.
Modi's invitation to visit India during construction of the Constitution went Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal and Congress leader (now President), Sher Bahadur Deuba, UML secular constitution promises. Oli had gone himself a mere saying.
How and why again overnight, whose inspiration and put the temptation, it is subject are constantly rahasyakai. Of course it is also a mystery in terms of secularism dwelt in the territory of Nepal was carjacked.
In contrast to the culture of India were also present direct Movement, said the real reason is that religion precision Delhi and Kathmandu are all agreed, and private conversation is due to the Indian leaders readily accept that religion.
Nepal and India in addition to the emotional dimensions are about as practical, so a damaged relationship does not mean that feelings had not wound factors. It is also revered in India as a center for Hindu Nepal was.
Secular say that faith must luring them into jeopardy. Another important topic in central Nepal Himalaya series of location is.
It was to maintain his balance with China security arrangement, but now China's direct presence in Nepal would certainly be affected by the kind of agreements, then his security interest.
The expansion of its northern neighbor as Nepal boarder relationship again is trying to define, so India's relationship with Nepal for badlimdo re-defined, and it is necessary to stabilize.
It is so to speak, with India regarding the new definition of Nepal forge change. Or knowingly or unknowingly, Nepal-India relations have entered infections. It is taking the initiative in India itself.
For the first, and this time out of Britain in a joint statement iyusamga nariera India to Nepal bilateral, multilateral affairs is making himself. In fact, this type of look slightly different angle in Nepal is really very powerful impression that the toilet be laid internationalization of India is itself the Nepal issue.
Nepal and India, the current tensions with diplomatic skills 'deal' if we are to make the situation in Nepal can be friendly, because it has been publicized in Nepal.
It is expanding its influence in Nepal obey the pass. For the promotion of negative, why not, to the promotion of his own.
Converting it to know his side attalimdaina politician negative publicity, but it takes a negative statement smoothly and politely, but logical answer (ukhanatukka not) by the other party to make a successful disarm.
As an illustration, India, independent India's first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru were considered a good member of Parliament, parliamentary practice and the dignity of his great faith. Here context, independent India's first elected to parliament.
In those days people sosalista party was against (the people of Nepal Maoist tukriejastai sosalista-divided into segments by now has become non-existent in India, Nepal prajaparisadjastai). One of the people sosalistaka influential MP PanditCommenting on the language they were speaking very slursEND_ITEMSTART_ITEMIntervene Nehru family.
He was saying, 'Pandit Motilal Nehru defuse father certainly had great vyaristara. But President (Speaker) Speaker, Motilal Nehru, father of a British Saheb used to guard the house. "He had said so, the ruling clamor.
Parliament would like to blows situation was, however, Nehru had said muskairaheka. He urged the president to remain silent in response to the ruling lawmakers asked for permission, and so said, "Mr. Speaker, my friend ..... sansadaprati or against, I am especially grateful to be.
My mind has just always was a disappointment, I am a man of nobility, I have not come against the Indians backgrounds.
The sadness is removed from today, because I told him that he was an ordinary watchman realized that India is perceived grandchildren. I have come to stand in line to kick off the elite but ordinary Indian. '
This makes opposition to the MP, then silence and shame it would be, Pandit Nehru salinatasameta was unforgettable. The trivial comment on him if he were given akrosapurna and counter language in parliament would be a great commotion, it may also vandalized.
For illustration above any criticism, negative publicity is not necessary to give answers indelicately. Incredible relationship between India and Nepal. Sanvadabatai mutual differences can be overcome, however, the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who themselves are in Nepal to promote.
He said Prime Minister baneyata bharatapachi if any country have the most publicity, it is Nepal that. Continue picking up the constitution of Nepal were positive promotion.
Indian Independence Day and the day he spoke in praise of Nepal lalakillabata. As the US football team for the first time as Prime Minister of Nepal had gone into the characterization. But after the promulgation of the constitution was presented as critical to Nepal are lefist.
By doing so, even though he proclaimed, are in Nepal. The leader of the skills and skills can take advantage of Nepal, His preaching abundant. Terms so that, any criticism should be able politely to take, and the logical answer.
Rankiera not anger, which is being criticized, it should be able to understand the depth and profundity.

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