Bardiya National Parks rare animals 'hot spots', not only the British Prince Harry in West Nepal tourism destination is chosen. Members of the British royal family jaho Harry arrived 140 years.
9 congratulated the morning for 20 minutes as untouchable parks Heliport Prince Harry now Karnali river rafting are aurahama bhangalo.
Harry team has two helicopter. He was accompanied by the British foreign ministry officials, security officers, and there are bhramanasambaddha. The five-day official visit as the British Queen's representative in South Asia, the largest tiger conservation area Harry choices and boke Bardiya National Parks in time.
He will be one hour rafting. Rafting Soon, she will be a bit Forest Drive and hiking. He is 6 km wide suryapatuvasthita tyahobata biological route overview and homestay program in lump Chief Conservation Officer Ramesh Thapa said the parks.
He will view stability of Tharu culture and customs. Tharu ethnic community and the tradition of Prince Harry, etc have been preparing a grand reception. The school will take a few minutes Tharu Home Stay, bio-gas, Tharu dance saskrti and rhino sanctuary sites in the Libyan program is an overview.
Harry's grandfather Prince Edward, Queen Victoria, with saptamale BS 1 9 32 winter Bardiya had played four kose bush hunting. He took the game to entertain themselves had come to Mr. 3 JB Rana.
According to historians, took 800 elephants array jangabahaduurale British Prince exciting game was officiated. But, this time on a hunting trip, but wildlife conservation and tourism promotion to support the global objective is going to be.
Chief Conservation Officer Thapa said, "Prince Harry to cut the confusion generated paryatanabare Nepal mahabhukampapachi the world tour is expected to be very fruitful."

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