This "catch all" term for any road leading up into the Himalayas refers to a very dangerous network of unpaved, narrow, and slippery roads that are dotted with crashed cars and rolled over buses. Sadly, there are many crosses on the sides of these roads ...
4. BR-116, Brazil
The second longest road in Brazil has been nicknamed "The Highway of Death" for obvious reasons. Every year thousands of people die due to its poor upkeep and (lack of) maintenance. Threats from gangs and bandits do not help make the road any saver ...
3. James Dalton Highway, Alaska
The James Dalton Highway in Alaska, although appearing serene at first glance, is filled with potholes and small flying rocks carried by fast winds. Worst of all; it runs through the middle of nowhere. The road itself is very primitive in places, and small vehicle and motorcycle traffic is highly discouraged.
2. Commonwealth Avenue, Philippines
More popularly known as the "Killer Highway" of the Philippines, Commonwealth Avenue in Quezon City has seen countless numbers of pedestrian, cyclist, and vehicular deaths over the years due to awful regulations and the lack of enforcement of traffic laws.
1. North Yungas Road, Bolivia
Also known as the "Road of Death" in Bolivia, it is often cited as the most dangerous road in the world. It is a regular occurrence for buses and trucks to go tumbling to the valley below, especially when they try passing one another ...

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