(Asthma) that such a situation does affect our lungs and respiratory obstruction puryaumdacha process. Nepal is still young and the elderly in spite of millions of seriously ill and the volume is going to grow.
To learn how to reduce damalai first point to know how and why that is important. For some reason, it was also something that can also adopt measures allowing it to be.
Why is 'moment'?
When we breath we take, the air reaches the lungs through tracheal. Dilates the lungs narrow, and phoksobhitra arrived in the same tracheal branches are spoilers.
If we are suffering from asthma, the inside of the tracheal inflammation and dust, smoke, heavy work pressure and stress that dilates more and dulls more. Such a reaction deposit tracheal mucus becomes thick, so that we will become difficult to pungent. Such a situation arising growing damaghata us (Asthma Attack) and immediately go to the hospital situation is created.
I 'own' How do you know that is?
Ask yourself sodhnuhos:

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