United Nations and the United States imposed strict ban a few days ago that North Korea has again successfully tested medium-range ballistic missile. South Korea yonahana dialogue committee states, quoting the army of the mid-range missiles. 8 hundred kilometers, according to kill can throw.
 Earlier, in 2014 a mid-range missile North Korea had tested. Gatahaptamatrai short-range missile, the answer was a successful test. The check up Korean tension has increased nearly Island. North Korea Nuclear check up last month, the United Nations sanctions against North Korea had said sanctions against North Korea by the United States was last haptamatrai.
US President Barack Obama challenged North korea leadership of the North against the ban. Japan, North Korea condemned the missile tests vyalestika bhadkauko step has the noun. Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe jinso addressing North Korea's parliament are opposed the move. According to South Korea, North Korea, the North's missile test was pyongayanako capital.

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