28 years of a child, what would najanmimda? Of course, silence becomes painful. Italy osatana city has a similar event, but, when the baby was born in the city fell happiness.
In 1 9 80 for the first time since a baby was born in Turin hospital has. The Baby Name Pablo is kept. All the townspeople to celebrate the birth of the baby happiness. Mayor giyakama lambardole the birth of a child are expressed happiness. The indigenous population of the city has been decreasing at the rate of acute last 1 hundred years.
New Baby janmiesamgai population of the city has reached 85. Only half of the people more of them only live permanently in the city. 1 9 th century, the city's population was 1 thousand. After World War II there was growing population began to decline. In 1 9 75 Later status was further weakened. In 1 9 76 1 9 87 babies born in the middle there were only 17. In 1 9 87, in the 2015 janmienan any infant.

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