Regular use of fenugreek masalarupi foods in the kitchen. But all do not like the taste fenugreek. There are many benefits of fenugreek. Masalakorupama food to be used to benefit fenugreek 10 has been discussed here. This reading fenugreek flavor or aroma perception of the mind, even naparneharuko be replaced.
1, prevents hair dripped
The ability of market fenugreek seeds hair. It is high in protein and nicotinic acid amount of energy that allows our bodies. Coconut or olive oil making its pasting text itself, wearing it prevents hair dripped.
2 cayambata release
If you have problems with fenugreek cayamko for your medicine becomes infallible. Dry skin head through the problems, fenugreek for its simple home remedy. Yogurt mixed with fenugreek banaunusa and it is expected to reach the root of hair out with. Make your little massage. 30 minutes dhunus cayamka your hair is fix the problem immediately.
3 dandiphora control
Dandiphora Fenugreek seeds are useful for controlling dealings. This layer of skin taksinalai emidarmisa out and even casts dandiphorako spot. Fenugreek has frustrated if dandiphorale accurate for your medicine. Pisnus fenugreek seeds and make it a little honey insert pasting. Fenugreek and honey before pasting it to sleep face up and out with cold water dhunus morning. Dandiphorako the problem is resolved.
4 obesity control
Fenugreek is a high amount of fiber. It helps the digestive system. It is also less calories than your body needs gardincha. Fenugreek is a glass of water Badalamji -beer It is very good for the body.
5 Bright tvaca
If you want to make a bright face of fenugreek you need something. Fenugreek various free radicals in the body glean out. Fenugreek seeds pasting and other problems make wearing the face of the black circle, even shy. It enhances skin color tone and removes dead tantuharu face so it looks bright.
6 digestive system reform
Fenugreek affects the digestive system that makes the best. It also removes stomach pain and other problems. No problem for people with digestive fenugreek intake is very beneficial.
7 Sugar Control
Fenugreek reduces the blood sugar level would be controlled. The amino acid to be pyankriyajama fenugreek increases insulin effects, and it controls the amount in the blood of Sugar. Diabetes patients have also considered the best of fenugreek consumption.
8 Good for kidney
Fenugreek also affects the kidney heals. Fenugreek also good for the hatching of Yunani problem. It is through the urine within the disorder out.
9 Fever Control
If you have a fever if a teaspoon of honey and fenugreek mixed with lemon rasama eating diminishes fever. It makes feel comfortable. It also alleviates neck Fall of Fall.
10 Women helpful
Methile helps women to breast progressive. It is for the woman to feed the production of milk badhaidincha. The specific problems women work methile medicine.

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