There is one saying that you would become, as we eat. Our bodies are made up of 50 miliyanabhanda more cell foods. Even now become brain cells. Now the brain is banavatajasto, think, work is the same. Therefore, attention should be admitted. But, we've been doing wrong Nepali food, this is my understanding of medical. For I am Alternative Medicine, train the person.
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Meal can be divided into five classes of carbohydrates, protein, Fat, bhitaminsa and Minerals. This category includes all the food that we eat these five.
1) Carbohydrates
Most eat more carbohydrates. Carbohydrate food is synonymous with class and calling as wheat, barley, maize, millet, buckwheat and rice, and potatoes-sakharakhanda also includes karbohaidretabhitrai.
The city-market sector, people often eat rice. Riches of Nepal is eating rice is white rice that has a refinery. White Rice Khan empting engaging diabetes doctor. Because it eats sugar increases. Too much sugar, then camalale also gives birth to, people who have more sugar is poison for the white rice. 'White rice is white poison' that is now called the world. In fact, giving Brown rice is rice that is unproductive. If he made, it is relatively inexpensive.
Nepal is always more than 50 percent of students have come through failure. There are two reasons, one is not quality education we have, the next unbalanced food. Brown rice or unproductive vitamin B and B to the existing remains van. However, a refinery or treated after the vitamin balls disappear. The role of these two vitamin storage, and energy to bring it to increase kansantresana. Storage, and energy exceeding kansantresana student who can not. So we need to eat brown rice.
We started to eat white rice is not much, because we conceived to get the khanthyaum Brown Rice.
Best camalabhanda wheat
White rice or rice to eat our context, people eat more powerful than man seems to be. As our country's richest man is a class, Marwari, they eat bread or wheat. So, we have to work hard to eat of the bread and the Madhesi.
Vitamin E is more than bread or wheat. When the body is also more energy than the amount of vitamin echo is received. Similarly, vitamin ile sex hormone also plays a role in making testonaterona. Vitamin E increases the rise in sex hormones, sex hormones also increases the rise among human creativity. For the Creation of sex is.
Eating wheat increases body heat, but cold does camalale. Nowhere do people think the cold. People do not enjoy the cold too. Fun, creative people, many working people can be so hot.
Rice and bread crumbs balance by citizens of Indian origin. But, we always khairahanchaum rice only. As a result we did not get to someone Wheat Energy.
Best supposed barleyIn the context of the world people eat wheat than barley has been found that powerful people to eat. In particular, the development of civilization and modern science found people ate barley. Europe, amerikatira morning break fast starts barley, barley otamila they eat. They have seen the world's most innovative.
Research has shown that this is the last barley meant, that man does not become depression is, the mentalli rilyaksa. These elements are resistant, which factors when brain cells repair the dyameja. The disorder of the body throwing.
Vitamin B-12 found in beans. This Pulses, Milk-dahima found. Vitamin B-12 was not enough, even if the brain is solo.
Like, people feel cold, the body comes to rats, it is due to viral infections. Drug viral infections do not. Bacterial infection when antibiotics are given. But, barley khairahane man is not viral infections.White Blood Cell can kill virus. White blood cell development also works jaule. Similarly, to prevent depression that is resistant element found. Carbohydrates are found in the best of barley. However, we khamdainaum eating barley.
So we need to eat a regular diet of barley, bringing change. The first break as fast as the European and amerikanaharule eat barley.
Power to corn rootworm
Our mountainous region of maize grain and eaten more. Brenasamga not related element maize. Makaibhanda rice, wheat, barley is better. However, as energy to elements of maize, rice, wheat, barley not. So strong is intended to eat corn. However, the overall Nepali rarely eat maize. Some eating match.
In the United States I saw Salk food style, what they eat in the morning, afternoon and match. In the afternoon from what they were, the match in the evening. So, on Sunday, what he eats, the match on Monday. They ghumairahanchan meal. Our's is one of the most food by itself is not to rotate around the ghumchaum food.
Research reveals that, in the morning breakfast nakhaneharu not healthy. If the sugar level down to match-up for breakfast keeps
How to eat?
Found to buy the barley sattu. Rice or barley, which is called otamila, barley meal to eat in the morning is good. It is not an expensive item. It is also easy to eat, milk, even harliksa Tatopani we only eat the morsel. If the money is, it draiphuda mixing sakincha son, Pestana, peanut, almond and so on.
Research reveals that, in the morning breakfast nakhaneharu not healthy. If the sugar level down to match-up for breakfast one another. Energy is the blood that give sugarale. Therefore, people eating breakfast in the morning is Fresh, work is fixated.
We usually eat white rice launching. However, we are launching a guarantee that brown rice. It is pakaunuparne saturates, learned to cook this delicious as well. Eating White Rice and Brown Rice, how much benefit is gained by the above that already.
Similarly, in the afternoon we need energy. Energy gives rootworm. Taps is parched corn to eat out of the same. However, the city of frying corn, burn and avoiding fried-roasted corn also, and always not to buy. Maize meal is found in the city kornaphleksa redimeta. Other cijabhanda it is relatively inexpensive. It also milk, harliksa or be Tatopani Khan.
Now came, dinner. Dinner bread awesome happens then. But, Bread Baking Hits should not. White flour also be raisajastai. Because, flour is a refinery in. Many also lost a refinery reaches the required item. Eat boiled wheat out of the frying bhatajastai.
Every day we eat the body text, we need to eat many elements. Similarly, millet and buckwheat from time to time, week by week we eat. Carbohydrates are found in these earthly elements also differ. In fact, we fully inclusive stay healthy so kind to eat.
Science often have to eat the flesh of the Nobel Prize is not an emergency. For, found in meat and protein. This means that, for those who work more mind amino acid is required, this protein is found
Work is the body of carbohydrates to give you energy. Mobile battery or energy to continue to work as needed, so that the body stops working. Energy is the original source of carbohydrates. The refinery processed carbohydrates or not, is eaten in compound or mixed.
2) Protein
We looked at carbohydrates as a mistake, we are working to protein. Protein meat, fish, eggs, milk, yogurt and legumes that includes plant-plant come.
Proteins in the body does?
Every minute of those cells are going to get worse and bhatkimdai, millions of cells are dying. If the protein deprivation, the new cell can not be made. Imino acid of the protein as it is necessary for the brain.
If imino acids Brain deprivation, people can not concentrate. Concentrate the necessary amount of vitamin B and protein needed van. The amino acid L-phenilalanaina is square, it is not enough for young children to learn to read-not. Because, can not concentrate.
Interesting is that, until now eat meat often conquer the Nobel Prize in Science. For, found in meat and protein. This means that, for those who work more mind amino acid is required, this protein is found.
Red flesh disease hurkaumcha
We redamita protein (ratomasu)'re eating, four-legged animals which belong to. No goat eat, no one has gone up, eat some pig-boar. Pig or a goat to eat the same thing. These low-cost In any case, all of the same kind of effect redamitale body.
Scientific Research has shown that the redamita harmful for the body. It is likely to be cancer eating the roasted meat. This meat is polnasatha kyarsinomasa development, it makes cancer.
Redamitale pamcabhanda disease is directly hurkaumcha more. First, it increases cholesterol. Kolesterolakai due to high blood pressure increases. Blood presarakai is likely due to heart disease. Because heart disease is likely to be paralyzed. Increased uric acid increases the pain. Next, it is likely to have cancer also. The disease is raising redamitako role. However, we are most Nepalis redamita the strip.
White mitaka benefit
We guarantee that the White Mitt -that chicken, fish. It is also cheaper. Chicken eating less chance to grow over the disease. Various bird also include White mitama.
First they lived in the forest. There was only 10-12 thousand years of civilization man learned. While forest-legged animals would kill and eat. When people come to live with the river or the sea, and the beginning of civilization has been found. Because, they began to eat the fish. When the men began to eat the fish found in the various search showed that the development of intelligence ryapidli.
Most of the brain becomes a byproduct. Fat and Fat Fish pine through brain does. Three Fat Fish Omega-called, it is a race oil or fat diets. Omega-three brain is phrendli. Is depression, brenale not done a good job of omega-thrile better. Now found in fish oil alone. Now eat the best fish oil, because it does through brain development. Other meat of the fish is inexpensive. But, do not get so many places Nepali fish, would place too much match.
Vitamin B-12 was not enough, even if the brain is solo. So Pulses, not eating eggs, milk-yogurt eaten
Bhejiteriyana amerikatira are also, but they are eating eggs. We have also eat the eggs are much bhejiteriyana. They eat beans. Bhattamasama found in most proteins.
Vitamin B-12 found in beans. This Pulses, Milk-dahima found. Vitamin B-12 was not enough, even if the brain is solo. So Pulses, not eating eggs, milk and yoghurt eaten. The food is diphisensi conflicts with vitamin B, it is a disease, or a disease. Vitamin B-12 deficiency disease to avoid coming too Pulses, eggs, milk and yogurt to eat, then a morsel of regular.
3) Fat
Fat is fat or oil. Fat bodies need, if not a byproduct of the body warm, but also gives energy. Not a byproduct of the body's hormones necessary anymore, man is Psychology is down. This is not a byproduct of too much, little is enough. And, a byproduct of corn Source Many of themselves, also found in rice.
We eat mustard oil, which is the statement made in the United States. Lab tests showed that the United States mustard yurusika acid, which is haniharaka for health.
Trans fat is a byproduct of the most poor. In fact for the body and brain is most harmful, Cde.Binda. It is a byproduct of the fat found. We are eating ourselves that most Nepalis. Direct merit dumplings eat fat. Overly fat dumplings. Another plant source of trans fat diets. It is more dangerous than dumplings. Often found in the market become ghiubatai sweet vegetable. Seven hundred degrees umalnuparne vegetable ghee to make it, so when it Vitamins Minerals bacdainan, the ghee is plastic.
Which oil is better?Bhattamasako oil, sunflower oil, a byproduct of the well, but the best of it. Oil is omega-three is the best, which is the source of sloth. Sloth Terai production, not the mountain. It is inexpensive, but we khamdainaum. Terai also found the poor only eaten. This arrangement also sold oil brings another. Omega-three capsulated comes to us from abroad. For Derek are recommending it to eat. However, the source found in the sloth of us are.
We eat mustard oil, which is the statement made in the United States. Lab tests showed that the United States mustard yurusika acid, which is haniharaka for health. Another health benefit of linolenic acid found. However, only one was not good being, loss of health to another naramrole them. More good then bhattamasa, sun flower, as well. Europe amerikatira eat olive oil.

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